Uncover hidden patterns at the intersection of your images and data

Pair business data and large image sets, so you can finally see the full context of your info in a visual way...and discover novel insights at scale.


Get VI (visual intelligence) with Collagia

The old way

BI Tools

Aren't engineered to get insights from images
Best for objective stats, not creative analysis
No visual context to explain patterns in data
The new way
Instantly highlights patterns to show insights
Built for technical + creative teams to share in real time
Images are preserved as critical context

Collagia unifies your data platforms and image respositories

Easily connect Collagia via API to your image libraries

Native integrations with digital asset manager, cloud storage, Snowflake ect

Upload the files directly with CSVs and ZIP files


Uncover hidden data patterns using images

Recognize patterns easily with your uploaded images

Arrange images by complex visual caracteristics

Filter or group images into collections


Derive new insights, then push them to the limit.

Develop a hypothesis involving the visual aspects of your data

Ask Collagia to validate and test your hypothesis


Auto-generate presentations to share with others

Invite multiple users to independently interact with the gathered data

Seamlessly import Collagia's visual data into your presentations

prepwork reduction
productivity increase
increase in efficiency to insight

Visual Intelligence for every industry

  • Aerospace / DOD
    Analyze satellite imagery without needing to tag photos one by one.
  • Art Markets
    See if more complex or more simplistic pieces attract the most attention with individual audiences.

Get started with Collagia today

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